Organizational Capabilities

Organizational Capabilities

There is a difference between managing and leading. The most effective leaders understand that they need to be both. They are in touch with the organization’s culture, and they can balance institutional needs while fostering a sense of humanity and belonging in the talent. Research shows that retention of great talent directly impacts profitability in an upward trend.

Inclusive leaders, from diverse backgrounds and perspectives are builders, change agents, supporters, and industry disruptors.

A magnifying glass is on top of a puzzle.
A hand touching an image of the word aims.

We need leaders we can trust, who genuinely care and connect with us. Who listen, learn and lead with honesty and authenticity. Leaders who can tap into the power of all. Empower the collective genius we need to succeed.

Today’s leaders will help us live better. Work better. Feel stronger. Be kinder. No matter what background we come from.

Organizations need to champion and develop the leaders we need now. Inclusive leaders, from diverse backgrounds and perspectives. Game-changers. Supporters. Disruptors. Rebuilders.

Individual performance for better performing teams

Effective development is not just about improving skills. To truly realize individual potential, there needs to be a shift in mindset. We do both—develop the skillset and help leaders get to a new way of thinking for your professionals to succeed. And we deliver at scale, with a guaranteed, high quality consistency of content and experience you should expect of a leading global organizational consultancy.

The right business partner can help to minimize hiring expense, while ensuring to optimize the talent pool

Organizations need to consider how they can best allocate their resources amid this pressure. Traditional approaches focus on reducing the organization’s footprint. Today, more businesses need to consider cost reduction as an objective secondary to accomplishing their primary goal of becoming a more effective, innovative organization.

A person touching an hr sign on a touch screen.

Building a dynamic future

As business partners we will help you take a look at the big picture, with an eye toward realigning your people structure, so you can advance your business goals. We’ll also work with you to identify the right levers to pull to reallocate your resources so you can achieve sustainable cost optimization.

  • Make sure everyone in your organization knows how they contribute to success
  • Harness the discretionary effort of your people and help them evolve and improve
  • Build a culture of every-day feedback based on powerful conversations
  • Reward your people in a way that motivates and gives a good return on investment
  • Hold leaders accountable for how they reward performance and build talent

How to develop the employee experience as good as your customer experience.

  • Analyze the gaps between your employee experience now, and where you’d like it to be
  • Balance organizational needs with employee wants
  • Build an employer brand and value proposition that reflects you at your best
  • Design a wellbeing strategy that puts your people first
  • Get your employer brand out there to attract the best in your industry

Lead Employees through difficulties of change

Transformation is always disruptive, especially when it involves job loss. And, unless employees support the changes being made, you’re unlikely to succeed. Our  practice helps you do four things: make the change clear, make it known, make it meaningful and make it stick. We’ll work with you to map an effective change journey and give you the tools, processes and networks to support your transformation. We’ll show you how to support your people with knowledge and skills that allow them to thrive through change, so you’ll maintain momentum and achieve your goals.

UCG can make change happen

We help you build alignment throughout your organization—from your operating model to your structure, headcount, jobs and rewards—around the goals you have as a business. This work not only results in a leaner organization, but it also accelerates how quickly you can achieve transformation. 

Our purpose is to help everyone, from any and all backgrounds, achieve their full potential, to help organizations thrive, improve wider society and bring people closer together.